Registration Issue


New Member

I am new here. Thanks for the fine forum! I searched but could not find the answer to this.

I am trying to install 3.8.0

I uploaded all files, chmod to 777 and ran gysn-kg.php

All seemed to go well. I chmod the files back to 644 and renamed config file. I ran install.php and entered customer # but nothing happens.

Any ideas?

once you uploaded all the files > chnage settings in to your setting > rename config.php to config.old then renmae to just config.php > dont chmod back yet leave it 777 run keygen once finished copy your info down then go and either do install/upgrade.php or install.php depending on what your doing and let all complete.

once this is done rename install folder and login into your admincp....once done and all works then go and chmodd back to 755 and 644 on files that need to be done and remove keygen.