Hello, I'm new here and just wondered if any of you have ever experienced any problems when registering domains, that is, with the registrar. I recently registered a domain through verio.com, but something has gone awfully wrong. The domain (#) was registered on 12 January, and I immediately received an automated mail saying I would receive Domain Account Info within 24 hours, if not I should contact the ordermaster at verio.com. Today it's the 19th, and I still haven't received any account info to manage the domain, and what's worse, I have sent the ordermaster several emails (#) but I receive no reply. I have also mailed support. No reply. Eventually, I asked them either to reply or cancel the registration, so that I could place my order with a different registrar. No reply to that either. My client does not understand why his domain is not up and running already, and quite frankly, neither do I. I thought maybe signing up with a different registrar and try to transfer the domain to them would work, but it seems new domains cannot be transferred until 60 days after the initial registartion. So, I am stuck with a domain that is not available to me and a registrar that does not care to respond. I find this unbelievable, really. How is it possible for a large company to show such neglect? Has anyone else experienced this?? Thanks,J.