

here it is i have a function that printsout all my hidden fields on a web page with the function
this function generate code similar to this
<input type='hidden' name='theName' value='the value'>
but i am having a hard time on fireFox because
as you can see the function does not create a id attribute
and since firefox does not recognizes the name attribute i am kind of in a jam.
does someone know whats up here??Modify the function to render an additional id attribute ;)yeah id did that but my
question was more of on the line of
is there any reason why .net would do something like this in a hidden filed?
i mean for all the other stuff (buttons,text, etc) it does generate the id attribute..
seems kind of wird to me
ehehYes, it is strange. Microsoft often forget that the rest of the world actually exists ;)sounds like you are just calling the function wrong if firefox is not seeing the elements.

what is your code.
