Register To Login


I have a website of helpful information but i want people to register first to access it and thereafter to login everytime they use it. What script or program do I need.<!--content-->
Hi Mich闁峫,<br /><br />There are a lot of programs/scripts that you can use. I think you might find that your best luck is with a CMS like Website Baker, or Joomla, or something similar. They have pre-designed login scripts and pre-designed content management so all you have to do is enter your content and it gets published. You can restrict your information to people who are logged in, and you can restrict who can get accounts.<br /><br />There are a number of gret CMS programs that are available to you in the CMS section of Fantastico on cPanel. I recommend that you check some of those out (they are SUPER easy to install and uninstall for testing purposes) and see if they don't meet your needs. If you have trouble with them or want help on a specific feature on one of them, then post back and let us help you however we can.<br /><br />Best wishes.<!--content-->
There are programs like AMEMBER that have password assignment/member logins. <br /><br />Or you could choose to use WEB PROTECT, built into cPanel. Your visitor would fill in a form for you to review and you could set the password/user name combination. Your visitor would not be able to change the password. Depending on the number of users, this may suit your needs and requires NO SCRIPT. You just assign the folder you want to be password protected. Then any page or folder within that folder must have login to access.<!--content-->
where exactly is the Web Protect option on the cPanel<!--content-->
In the Icon theme X it's called "Password Protect Directories"<!--content-->
I dont think that would work I want something where people can register, a login name and password are sent to them automatically. Then they can use it everytime to login.<br /><br />I bascially am looking for information about the people who are using the site, then use the info to make the site better.<!--content-->
Haven't looked through all our new choices in Fantastico...might have something in there to work for you. <br /><br />Otherwise you might consider a separate program like AMEMBER (several folks around here used the FREE version when they had it available) and it still gets high reviews <!--coloro:#6600CC--><span style="color:#6600CC"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> Or Sitelok <!--coloro:#6600CC--><span style="color:#6600CC"><!--/coloro--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> or similar program. There might be some open source versions too but have not found them.<!--content-->