register form wont work


im trying to make an register site in html (if nessecary javascript :) ) for my members only page, but it wont work. im trying to write the loginn form into a databsae but i have no idea how to do that :( :( :( !!! does someone have an ideas for me to finish my site (of course i've got to update it once in a while) ???<br />
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thnx tha kyri-aap :p<!--content-->your question is too vague.<br />
You want to know about a form and how it works as well as you want to add theinformation in the db.<br />
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1. Do you know enough html?<br />
2. Do you know any server side scripting language such as..JSP,PHP etc.<br />
3. Do you know anything about SQL?<!--content-->im not an expert with html, and i know some javascript and sql but sql is centuries ago for me.<br />
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all i need to know is how to copy the files into my database and write it into a file (instead of a databse). so i'v got a database with all of my members for my geustbook and a back up file.<br />
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i only need the code or help with the code<br />
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hope its more clear now<br />
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grtz the kyri-aap<!--content-->you can't do any of this with java script, so that is almost irrelavent. You are going to need to use a form of server side scripting as Khalid Ali mentioned. My suggestion is if you do not know any already, figure out first of all what your host supports, read up on the syntax of the differerent languages. Then make an decision on which you want to commit to, then run down to barns and noble or books a million and get a nice thick book on it. Your choices are ASP PHP ASP.NET JSP CGI CF, there are some others but they are not used as widely, those are the major ones.<!--content-->thnx dude<br />
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then ill try the php<br />
i don't know if the rest is also invisible when you "view source" but i've always wanted to learn php and i'v got a good reason for it.<br />
thnx again<br />
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grtz the kyri-aap<!--content-->They are all 'invisible' when you view source. PHP is acutally open source, but ASP and ASP.NET are not, I do not know about JSP and CGI though, I honestly cannot say. It is not really invisible though, What happens is a server executes the script then creates html for the browser, so all of the login scripts and all are done before the user even sees the html output and they would see nothing harmful in that output.<!--content-->