First create 3 profile fields.
One for YouTube URL,
one for YouTube title and
one for Auto-play..
admin >> User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field
Single-Line Text Box
Title: YouTube URL
Description: Put your YouTube URL here.
Field Length: 50
Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO
Then Save..
Remember the Field number..
Say the field number is 9,,you will need to change the
i in $userinfo[fieldi] to 9 like this,, $userinfo[field9]
Add anther Profile Field,,
Single-Line Text Box
Title: YouTube Title
Description: Put your YouTube Title here.
Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO
Then Save..
Remember the Field number..
Say the field number is 10,,you will need to change the
t in $userinfo[fieldt] to 10 like this,, $userinfo[field10]
Add anther Profile Field,,
Single-Line Text Box
Title: YouTube Auto-play
Description: Put &autoplay=1 in the input box below,to have it auto-play..
Private Field: Yes
Field Searchable on Members List: NO
Show on Members List: NO
Then Save..
Remember the Field number..
Say the field number is 11,,you will need to change the
a in $userinfo[fielda] to 11 like this,, $userinfo[field11]
Import the plugin..
admin >> Plugins & Products >> [Add/Import Product] and import
youtube_member_profile_url.xml file..
Edit two templates.
admincp >> Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >>
Find three $userinfo[fieldi] and change the i to the YouTube ID field number..
Find two $userinfo[fieldt] and change the t to the YouTube title field number..
Find one $userinfo[fielda] and change the a to the YouTube auto-play field number..
Edit: Styles & Templates >> Member Info Templates >> MEMBERINFO
Look for,,
Put $blocks[youtube] anywhere in there..
I have mine arter $blocks[friends_mini]..
Like this,,
Go to youtube dot com,,find the video you want..
You need to use the link from the Embed code..
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/7e9wgshS0qI&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/7e9wgshS0qI&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Just use the URL,
in your YouTube URL field..
Then put,,two minute new knight rider preview,,in your YouTube title field..
To edit your YouTube fields..
USERCP >> Edit Your Details >> Additional Information
To edit usergroups,,
admincp >> Plugins & Products >> Plugin Manager:
Mini right side YouTube for Member Profile
Add the usergroup ID,,that you want to be able to use the YouTube vidoes..
if (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo,1 ,2 , 5, 6, 7))
Like this: ,1 ,2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 ,9