New Member
I saw this faq from Ipower.com....I hope some expereineced in domain name selling will clarify this for me..
When can I transfer a domain name to you?
ICANN regulations prohibit transferring a domain name that has been registered or previously transferred within the last 60 days.
taken from: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://help.securepaynet.net/article.php?article_id=789&topic_id=160&prog_id=256527&">http://help.securepaynet.net/article.ph ... id=256527&</a><!-- m -->
if this is true, then how come many in DP forum and other places sell domain names which have been registered within a week....infact I have seen some auctions here itself which says...registered yesterday....
can anybody confirm this...then do i need to wait for 60 days for me to sell my new domain...
When can I transfer a domain name to you?
ICANN regulations prohibit transferring a domain name that has been registered or previously transferred within the last 60 days.
taken from: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://help.securepaynet.net/article.php?article_id=789&topic_id=160&prog_id=256527&">http://help.securepaynet.net/article.ph ... id=256527&</a><!-- m -->
if this is true, then how come many in DP forum and other places sell domain names which have been registered within a week....infact I have seen some auctions here itself which says...registered yesterday....
can anybody confirm this...then do i need to wait for 60 days for me to sell my new domain...