Refreshing XML data islands


New Member
I am trying to come up with a method of refreshing an XML data island withouthaving to reload my page.The way the system currently works, is I have an embedded xml object that,when the ASP page is originally loaded, calls another ASP page which writesback to it, xml data retrieved from a database:<xml id="MyXML" src="process.asp"></xml>I data-bind this data island to some tables and fields, creating a masterdetail affair...but I would like to have a button that when clicked, causesa refresh of the data island, without physically retrieving the whole pageagain.I have tried setting the xml object's SRC property to "", then back to theoriginal PROCESS.ASP, but no go. The XMLDocument property is readonly, sothat does not seem like an option.Anyone care to throw out some ideas to try?rod..