Refresh on page goes to Home

Hello everyone,<br />
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I am building a website and recently found that when clicking on Refresh using Internet Explorer 6.0 it does not refresh the current page but goes to the home page for the site. I had several others check this out using Internet Explorer 5.0, and Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2, they are also seeing this issue.<br />
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The issue just started after I made several changes to the site. I did not notice the problem until lot's of changes were made.<br />
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Here is a link to the site Duncan007 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) <br />
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Thanks in advance for any and all help.<br />
<br />
Best Regards,<br />
Mesich<!--content-->that is because you are using frames and there is no fix for it excpet do not use frames.<!--content-->Hi Scoutt, hello everyone,<br />
<br />
First, thank you very much for taking the time and replying, it is sincerly appreciated.<br />
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The refresh worked just fine on that page until I made a lot of changes. Unfortunately I do not know what change it was because I was much later this issue was discovered.<br />
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I have another site that uses the exact same format with frames and it works correctly. Here is a link to mesich (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<br />
<br />
Thanks again for taking the time to respond.<br />
<br />
Best Regards,<br />
Mesich<!--content-->Hi there mesich,<br />
<br />
I got it to work correctly at 'Home'...eventually :D<br />
I traced the fault to your menu.html and got it <br />
to refresh properly by removing this comment...<br />
<!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail --><br />
<br />
Whilst looking at the file I also removed some of the duplication....<br />
Try it and see if it cures your problem.<br />
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c:cool::cool:thead<!--content-->Hi Coothead, hello everyone,<br />
<br />
Thank you very much for the reply. I am on my way right now to make the changes and shall post back with the results.<br />
<br />
Again, thank you very much.<br />
<br />
Best Regards and Wishes,<br />
Mesich<!--content-->Hi Coothead, Scoutt, hi everyone,<br />
<br />
Thank again for the responses.<br />
<br />
I removed the comment from menu.html however, the problem still exists.<br />
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I do sincerly appreciate your responses, time and knowledge. <br />
<br />
Very best regards,<br />
Mesich<!--content-->Originally posted by mesich <br />
Hi Scoutt, hello everyone,<br />
<br />
First, thank you very much for taking the time and replying, it is sincerly appreciated.<br />
<br />
The refresh worked just fine on that page until I made a lot of changes. Unfortunately I do not know what change it was because I was much later this issue was discovered.<br />
<br />
I have another site that uses the exact same format with frames and it works correctly. Here is a link to mesich (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->).<br />
<br />
Thanks again for taking the time to respond.<br />
<br />
Best Regards,<br />
Mesich <br />
it is still what I said.<br />
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anytime you have a frame and you hit refresh it will always load the frames default properties. in your case it will always load the home page because that is where it starts. the fact you hit refresh and it doesn't load the home page is because you are not really doing a refresh, it is loading from cache.<br />
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try this, hold down your ctrl key and hit refresh. do this after you go to another page. I bet it loads the home page again, correct?<br />
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and any comment in html will not stop it from loading correctly.<!--content-->Hi Scoutt, hi everyone,<br />
<br />
If the issue is with frames then why does it work on this site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) which I used the exact same frames?<br />
<br />
Thanks again for your reply.<br />
<br />
Best Regards,<br />
Mesich<!--content-->it doesn't either.<br />
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did you try what I asked you to try. if you hard refresh you will see it doesn't hold the last page.<br />
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frames are not suppose to hold the page you are on. they get refreshed it loads the default page.<!--content-->Hi again Scoutt,<br />
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Yes I did try as you stated and on the Duncan007 pages it goes to the home page if I hit refresh or it I hold down the CTRL key and hit refresh.<br />
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On the other site I provided a link for if you go to one of the pages from the menu such as Freeware and click on Refresh it Refreshes and stays on the Freeware page.<br />
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Of course holding down the CTRL key and click on refresh will take me to the home page there.<br />
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I don't think I am explaining this very well so I shall try and start over.<br />
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When going to Duncan007 (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and clicking on an item in the menu it takes me to the correct page. When I click on Refresh it takes me back to the home page.<br />
<br />
When going to mesich (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) and clicking on an item such as Freeware it takes me to the correct page. When I click on Refresh it stays on the Freeware page and does not go to the home page as does Duncan007.<br />
<br />
Thanks again for you replies and time.<br />
<br />
Best Regards,<br />
Mesich<!--content-->When going to Duncan007 and clicking on an item in the menu it takes me to the correct page. When I click on Refresh it takes me back to the home page.<br />
and yes that is how it is suppose to work.<br />
<br />
When going to mesich and clicking on an item such as Freeware it takes me to the correct page. When I click on Refresh it stays on the Freeware page and does not go to the home page as does Duncan007.<br />
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and that is not getting the correct cache. this one is not working like it should. it might be a dns thing. but any frame sire you goto will refresh to the home page when you jsut hit refresh. I understand what you are saying and it does it for me as well, but that is not how frames work.<br />
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every framed site will take you to the homepage upon refresh, doesn't matter what page you are on.<br />
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see when you hit refresh in the browser toolbar you are actully refreshing the frame code, not the page you are viewing in the right hand frame. if you want to refresh the right frame then rigth click in the frame and hit refresh.<br />
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does that make more sense?<!--content-->Hi Scoutt,<br />
<br />
Thank you again very much for the replies and your time.<br />
<br />
Yes, I understand now.<br />
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Question: How do I mess up the Duncan007 to perform as mesich. :) <br />
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Actually you do not have to respond to that.:) <br />
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The only issue with the refresh was when making changes to the page I could have the page open and after uploading the changes, click on refresh and see the changes. <br />
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Your suggestion to right click on the frame and click update should do just that.<br />
<br />
Thank you again for your responses, time, and knowledge.<br />
<br />
Best Regards and Wishes,<br />
Mesich<!--content-->you are very welcome, and sorry I don't know how to mess up that page to work like the other. :P makes no sense why it works like that, same code and all.<!--content-->Thank you again for all of your time and help it is very much appreciated.<br />
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Strange indeed, now that I understand how it is suppose to work. We have a third site which is using two frames and it acts as does mesich. At least we got one of them right.:D <br />
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Does this forum have a rating system so I could give you like 5 thumbs up?<br />
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Just for info I did try a few things just a bit ago.<br />
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Copied the index.html from mesich to Duncan007. <br />
Copied the menu.html from mesich to Duncan007.<br />
Copied the title.html from mesich to Duncan007.<br />
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No of that worked either, I was just trying to isolate it to one of the 3.<br />
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Thanks again, I am very happy with the results and information you provided.<br />
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Best wishes to you and yours,<br />