Refresh an image in cache??


Staff member
This may be an HTML, Javascript or HTTP question. I'm not sure which.<br />
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I'm allowing users to post an image to my site. I set the uploaded image name to 'temp.ext' in a Perl script (where 'ext' can only be .gif or .jpg). After upload, the user is sent a new page with the uploaded image. The image is then deleted on the server. All this works as expected and the image is correctly stored in the user's cache.<br />
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Here's the problem. If the user decides he/she wants to upload different image (uploaded name is still temp.ext), I need to refresh the cache but cache, of couse, already has temp.ext and does not refesh. Is there a way to force the refresh? If not, any suggestions on how I might accomplish this.<!--content-->Thanks Dave..<br />
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Great suggestion!! I ended up creating and returning<br />
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imagename.ext?randomstring<br />
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in the Perl script (which changes the randomstring with each new image) and it seems to work correctly in both Explorer and Netscape.<!--content-->