Reformat php date compare function


New Member
Found the following snippet online and are currently using it in my web application, however it returns time like "0:5:1". I would like it to format the output like a real date, ie: 00:05:01.Guess that there is an embarrassing quick solution to solve this. Here comes the snippet:\[code\]function getTimeDifference($start, $end) { $uts['start'] = $start; $uts['end'] = $end; if( $uts['start']!==-1 && $uts['end']!==-1 ) { if( $uts['end'] >= $uts['start'] ) { $diff = $uts['end'] - $uts['start']; if( $hours=intval((floor($diff/3600))) ) $diff = $diff % 3600; if( $minutes=intval((floor($diff/60))) ) $diff = $diff % 60; $diff = intval( $diff ); return $hours . ':' . $minutes . ':' . $diff; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } return FALSE;}\[/code\]Thanks a lot!