Reduction of Bytes for Images and Image Hosting Sites


Thank you for answering my body background question which leads me to my next question:<br />
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If I make my background image large enough it uses so many bytes I'm having a hard time finding an image hosting site that will accept it.<br />
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Is there a way to have a large image that doesn't require a lot of bytes? A trick of some sorts, perhaps.<br />
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Or a recommendation on image hosting sites that allow large images/many bytes?<br />
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Thanks!<!--content-->It depends on the type of image, but there is no trick. You must either make an image physically smaller (reduce the display size), reduce the number of colors an image uses, or apply compression to the image, which is usually done with JPG images.<br />
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That will reduce the file size, but might make the image look bad too. Images on the internet are generally a compromise between quality and file size. 50KB is getting big for an image, over 100KB is big, and over 200KB is getting stupid unless the image is really worth looking at.<!--content-->even with images that are 100 - 200kb in size you have to remember the poor unfortunate people using 56k<!--content-->You can probably just use a program such as IrfanView (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) to optimize it. Just Download <!--more--> irfanview, open the picture, and choose save as. The program's default settings will usually suffice.<!--content-->