Reducing HTML


Hi,<br />
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I'm wondering if you can possibley offer me some assistance?<br />
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I created a website using Microsoft Word 2002 and then saved it as a (htm., html document) However, as you may be aware Microsoft add extra non-essential html which makes your document much larger, i.e. increasing loading time.<br />
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I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to get rid of the word html that is not required? Some of my html documents are 33KB which is bad.<br />
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I heard there is a html filter for Word 2000 but it does not work for 2002.<br />
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All help would be appreciated.<br />
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If you have further questions, please ask - I will reply.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Jamie Abbott<!--content-->Sounds like a job for HTML Tidy (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)... I'd also stop using M$ Word to create you pages, and use something like HTML-Kit (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) (which includes HTML Tidy) or Dreamweaver , if you want to spend a bit...<!--content-->