Whats the recommended method for redirecting with variables in Zend Framework? Lets say we have an action like this within a controller:\[code\] public function newAction() { $form = new Form_ApplicationForm(); if($this->_request->isPost()){ $data = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2050625/$_POST; if($form->isValid($data)){ $appModel = new Model_Application(); $result = $appModel->createApplication($form->getValue('name'), $form->getValue('email'), $form->getValue('comments')); if($result){ // redirect here } }else{ $form->populate($data); } } $this->view->form = $form; }\[/code\]If i wanted to redirect to a URL where i could show something like:\[quote\] "Thanks for your application, your reference is #123"\[/quote\]How should i perform this redirect?something like this maybe?\[code\]$this->_redirect('/application/confirm/'.$result);\[/code\]If so then how would i access the \[code\]$result\[/code\] var?EDIT OR I guess this would work:\[code\]$this->_redirect('/application/confirm/?id='.$result);\[/code\].. but i'm not sure if this is best practice or not?I've seen examples where people use \[code\]_forward()\[/code\] for their redirects but the URL never changes which creates issues with multiple submissions etc.I've seen someone recommend \[code\]gotoSimple()\[/code\] but i'm not sure about this. Still a ZF noob so apologies if this is obvious but I guess this is something with multiple uses for CRUD type systems anyway so would be interested to know.Thanks