New Member
I am using cookieless sessions in my asp.net (vb) web site so it puts that string of characters in the url of all pages on my site. Works great.<BR><BR>The problem is that on a checkout page I want to have the "contune to checkout" button redirect them to something like...<BR><BR>https://store.com/checkout.aspx<BR><BR>....when I do that the characters in the URL change as the session gets changed and I lose track of that customer.<BR><BR>What is the best way to get them to a secured page (https://) from a non secured page without losing the session?I am doing a response.redirect to something like...<BR><BR>"https://domain.com/(" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ASPFILTERSESSIONID") & ")/checkout.aspx"<BR><BR>..seems to work.