redirecting issue?


Hi,<br />
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This is probably easy to sort out but I'm still a newbie on web building, but can anyone offer any solutions to the following...<br />
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I've built a site for a friend (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) which has an opening page (index) and when you click an "enter here" button a new window pops up (called homepage) with the site in it. Its a page containing frames, the right frame for navigation, the centre frame for information (opens with a page called dogwalkies) and a banner across the top. Its a single window with no navigation, saving on screen size etc.<br />
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However some search engines are linking to the pop up windows centre page (dogwalkies) rather than the whole page (called home page). The centre page (dogwalkies) is opening but theres no navigation as the main homepage hasnt loaded.<br />
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What I need is a bit of code that automatically redirects a user who clicks a link from within the main pop up site back to either the index page or to the full opening page (called homepage).<br />
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I'm using frontpage 2002 at the moment. Perhaps theres a way to set something in it?<br />
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Or - is there anyway to stop search engines (ie google) from linking to the dogwalkies page and redirect it to the home page (which is the 1st page thats selected on clicking into the main site)<br />
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Can anyone help?<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Ade<!--content-->Optimal solution: stop using frames and popups, and make sure your content can be accessed without JavaScript. All are totally unnecessary for the site you are creating.<br />
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Suboptimal solution: include a link to the frameset page from within each individual frame. Put a line of JavaScript like this on the center frame page:<br />
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if (window == top) location = 'homepage.htm';<br />
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Adam<!--content-->many thanks. I'll give option 2 a shot.<br />
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