redirect to paypal payment


New Member
Evening all. What I am wanting to do is after a user has clicked on a 'buynow' button for paypal, firstly go to a page that stores the items the have bought in a db and then redirect to the paypal payment.This is what i have:\[code\]<?phpif(isset($_POST['cmd']) && isset($_POST['hosted_button_id']) && isset($_POST['diskSpace']) && isset($_POST['bandwidth']) && isset($_POST['subdomains']) && isset($_POST['additionalftp']) && isset($_POST['mysqldatabases']) && isset($_POST['emailforwarding']) && isset($_POST['autoresponders']) && isset($_POST['emaildistribution']) && isset($_POST['mailboxes']) && isset($_POST['oneclick']) && isset($_POST['operatingsystem'])){ $cmd = $_POST['cmd']; $custom = md5(date("his").microtime()); $hosted_button_id = $_POST['hosted_button_id']; $diskSpace = $_POST['diskSpace']; $bandwidth = $_POST['bandwidth']; $subdomains = $_POST['subdomains']; $additionalftp = $_POST['additionalftp']; $mysqldatabases = $_POST['mysqldatabases']; $emailforwarding = $_POST['emailforwarding']; $autoresponders = $_POST['autoresponders']; $emaildistribution = $_POST['emaildistribution']; $mailboxes = $_POST['mailboxes']; $oneclick = $_POST['oneclick']; $operatingsystem = $_POST['operatingsystem']; $con = mysql_connect('localhost', '', ''); $db = mysql_select_db('', $con); if(!mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `hostingAccounts` ORDER BY id")){ $createTable = ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `hostingAccounts` ( `id` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `ref` TEXT NOT NULL, `disk_space` TEXT NOT NULL, `bandwidth` TEXT NOT NULL, `sub_domains` TEXT NOT NULL, `additional_ftp` TEXT NOT NULL, `mysql_databases` TEXT NOT NULL, `email_forwarding` TEXT NOT NULL, `auto_responders` TEXT NOT NULL, `email_distribution` TEXT NOT NULL, `mailboxes` TEXT NOT NULL, `one_click_apps` TEXT NOT NULL, `operating_system` TEXT NOT NULL, `payer_email` TEXT NOT NULL, `first_name` TEXT NOT NULL, `last_name` TEXT NOT NULL, `payer_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `address_street` TEXT NOT NULL, `address_city` TEXT NOT NULL, `address_state` TEXT NOT NULL, `address_zip` TEXT NOT NULL, `address_country` TEXT NOT NULL ) ENGINE = MYISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;"); mysql_query($createTable); } mysql_query("INSERT INTO `hostingAccounts` (ref, disk_space, bandwidth, sub_domains, additional_ftp, mysql_databases, email_forwarding, auto_responders, email_distribution, mailboxes, one_click_apps, operating_system) VALUES ('$custom', '$diskspace', '$bandwidth', '$subdomains', '$additionalftp', '$mysqldatabases', '$emailforwarding', '$autoresponders', '$emaildistribution', '$mailboxes', '$oneclick', '$operatingsystem')") or die (mysql_error()); $host = ""; $path = "/cgi-bin/webscr"; $data = "".$cmd."&hosted_button_id=".$hosted_button_id."&custom=".$custom; $data =$data); header("POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n" ); header("Host: $host\r\n" ); header("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" ); header("Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n" ); header("Connection: close\r\n\r\n" ); header($data);}?> \[/code\]problem being it just comes up with "Internal Server Error". Can anyone see what im doing wrong?