Redirect Problems, need help ASAP!


I have an ad going out in a magazine pushing my site. I setup a page with a simple redirect to track response from the ad, example (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) This will redirect the visitor transparently. Unfortunately, when you type in the url as above with no .htm or anything after the /ad, you get a page cannot be found error. It only works with the .htm after it? Why is this? I have seen many sites that have subpages where you don't have to type in the extension after the url on a subpage. <br />
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The ad is already placed. What can I do or what am I doing wrong! HELP PLEASE!<br />
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Scott<!--content-->hi Scott...<br />
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the reason that <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> would work without a page name, is because the page name is actually:<br />
<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
<br />
servers generally "default" to the index (root) page whenever a specific url is typed without a specific name.<br />
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maybe it's possible to alter some settings on the server (?) that would recognize ad.htm as the default file...<br />
but I'm not sure how to do it (or even if it's possible :rolleyes: )<br />
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sorry...<br />
;) k<!--content-->oh...<br />
and by the way...<br />
does the Lani Kai still have the offshore boat races down there?<br />
(gosh, I miss those)<br />
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:) k<!--content-->Change the name of your file to index.htm. Then, just add a folder to the root of your website's files on the server. Call it "ad", and put the index.htm file in it. Then, when someone types in the address <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->, they will see(or not) your redirect page.<!--content-->Originally posted by khaki <br />
oh...<br />
and by the way...<br />
does the Lani Kai still have the offshore boat races down there?<br />
(gosh, I miss those)<br />
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:) k <br />
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They do! Obviously, you were a Florida girl.<br />
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