Redirect GET Variables


I currently have a web page that I enter information into a form and pass them to another page which collects more informtion (variables). I would like to redirect the second page automatically along with the GET variables contained within the page to another page located on another web server. Can anyone tell me if this is possible and if so how I would go about doing this?what are you using... php, asp, perl/cgi, ...?I am using ASP to send information to the second web page. The individual on the second web page that I want to do a redirect with the GET variables is using straight html in a form.I think the best way to do that is to create a new url variable string that links to the page on the other server.If I understand correctly, you want the second page to collect additional values, then when submitted, go to a third page which is on another server.

That being the case, on submit can go to an asp page on your server that reads the variables you want to pass and puts them in a querystring that is part of a redirect statement.

asp page on your server:
var1 = request.form(var1)
var2 = request.form(var2)
response.redirect <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> var1 & ?amp;var2=?& var2

on the other server鎶