redirect 2 forms


hi,<br />
is it possible to redirect one form to parent form<br />
for eg. there is one form Name.html in this form there is button<br />
called Ok when i clcik on this another pop up window open this is also another form example.html in this form there is button name OK when i click on this some alert message display and when i click OK for this alert this pop up window will close and some form music.html will redirect to parent form i.e. Name.html<br />
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if somebody helps em out it really be appreciable<br />
<br />
regards<!--content-->I would use a server side language for this because you are going to want to pass the data on between the forms most likely and that would be easily done if you were storing it in a data base or using a query string. Go find out what your host supports first of all for a server side language and then decide which of the choices is best for you.<!--content-->