Record/playback on Jscript piano


Staff member
Note:* The code is too long to be posted here, so if interested in helping me just ask, and I will email the code to you.

Remember:* I need someone who knows how to do the following with Javascript:
1. Record the notes played by clicking the keys.
2. To then playback in sequence the notes that were previously clicked.

Also:* For you Jscript pro's if you would rather set me up a simple working script wether than work from my code that would be great too. Something that would virtually be the same concept with maybe one or two notes vs. 32 which is what I have. I just need something that I can look at to see how it would interlace with my existing code. Kinda like a keyboard with two notes that will record onclick and then playback once I click a play button. Ah you get what I mean right? alright Im a go, hope you can help.
Code One