Receiving error in Visual Studio.Net when compile with F5


Hello there,

I am receiving following error in Visual Studio .Net while compiling page with F5.

"Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. You do not have permission to debug the application. The URL for this project is in the Internet zone. Click Help for more information."
However page with execute properly with debugging by pressing Ctrl + F5 keys in Visual Studio .Net
I am using Win XP in local net.

I need solution of the above problem... waiting for your reply.....

For get actual idea, check image in attachment.

Thanking You,
PareshUnless its something minor (like, simple security settings not set right..etc..)

Otherwise, heres my question,

If it compiles successfully, did you try to run it within IE by creating a Virtual Directory yourself? If so, did that work?

basically, i am 90% sure the problem you are having will be one of the following...

1. If creating VD, and it works. - then, your web.config is messing you up. I have had this problem before, I had a html upload control, and i had the <httpRuntime> configuration in web.config , but i placed it all the way at the compiles fine, but it will not run, my solution was, put <httpRuntime> at RIGHT AFTER <system.web>...

2. If creating VD, you are still getting the permission error. Then it is the famous problem, with ASP.NET and IIS and Inetpub folder not set correctly. (I have had this problem once) By searching on the net, you can uninstall, reinstall blah blah..but, the most simple, straight forward solution is, uninstall IIS, uninstall ASP.nET, delete inetpub folder (very important), and then reinstall IIS, reinstall (go to cmd, and type "\windows\\framework\v1.1.xxxx\aspnet_regiis -i"

takIn additional to tak's suggestion.

I've had a similiar experience before, turns out I installed vs 2005 first before 2003... that .net framework (and IIS) was kept pointing at asp2.0 folder instead of

took me a long while to fix that. So make sure u don't have vs2005 in ur machine.