realplayer problem


I'm basically just trying to get my realaudio link to work...this is what i have done so far.<br />
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Converted my mp3 to realaudio format<br />
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uploaded the .rm file to my web server and updated my web page to include <a href="01-50_cent_in_the_club_dirty-cms.ram">click me to hear fifty cent in realtime</a> all my files are in the same directory which is why i only have the filename for the link<br />
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created the .ram file in notepad and uploaded to the same directory.....the URL that i wrote in the file included the filename written above ending with .rm instead of .ram and was preceded by my directory info where it is located<br />
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when i click on the link all i get is a quick flash of the Download <!--more--> dialog box and then nothing happens<br />
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The html book that im going by says that i can play streaming content off of any web server......wouldnt my realplayer on my side use the URL in the .ram file to link with the .rm on my web server.<br />
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Also can someone explain to me where the RealAudio server comes into play......isnt any server able to deliver streaming content<br />
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thanks<!--content-->chances are that the realplayer plugin for your browser is not properly installed?????<!--content-->I am still having problems getting my .ram link to work for my web page.<br />
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I dont think my realplayer is the problem here because i went and tried several different sites and it played various .ram and .rm files just fine.<br />
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I have my .rm file uploaded on my server space along with the simple text .ram file that has the url for the previously mentioned .rm file.........both files are in the same directory.<br />
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Yet, the .ram link on my page still causes realplayer to say "this program has performed an illegal operation" and the details are "REALPLAY caused an invalid page fault in<br />
module RMFF3260.DLL at 018f:623a5e76." This only happens when i try the link on my page.....and then realplayer closes and i cant get it to open back up without rebooting.<br />
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Isnt it okay to have the .rm file in the same directory as the .ram file.....shouldnt it work? any help would be appreciated<!--content-->also i placed a .ram link from another web page on my own just to see if maybe it was my server's problem but it worked just just doesnt seem to work for my own link<!--content-->Is it possible that my server does not support streaming content??<!--content-->