Really odd float problem


Okay, I've used quite a lot of time trying to figure out the problem I've got right now. Perhaps my eyes are too tired to spot the problem, even though I must confess the problem seems minute.

I'm having almost two identical pages. Identical in the sense that the page content is mostly made up by two floating nested lists.

The topics page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)shows the #container div background color (beige color) where the #content div hasn't any content so to speak (should have been offwhite color).

Only the links page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) #content div background (offwhite color) is shown within the #content div - no trace of the #container div background color.

I decided to use the beige background color within the #container div, since I otherwise had find a solution to an IE quirck within the #banner div, where the rounded corners space of 14px haven't got the beige #banner div background color, but the offwhite #container div background color.

I posted concerning this quirck in another thread (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=55907</a><!-- m -->).

Are my eyes bugging me or what am I missing here?Off hand I don't know if it's the reason but there is a paragraph on the topics page that has no counterpart on the links page.Originally posted by ray326
Off hand I don't know if it's the reason but there is a paragraph on the topics page that has no counterpart on the links page.

I removed the paragraph yesterday to see if it was having any effect, but it didn't. I will try again though any which way to see what can be done. Perhaps I should make it a div and not a paragraph, hmm...Well, fresh eyes makes a difference. ;)

Seems like I can't have two div's ending right after each other with no content inbetween. So, I inserted a <div class="clear">&nbsp;</div> and the problem is gone. :)