Real One Player


I am wondering if someone could help me out with putting audio on my web page. I would like it so that when a persons click on a link it will make a RealOne Player window to pop up and play a desired song. I dont want ppl to have to Download <!--more--> and save the file, and also dont want a RealOne Player that is embeded in the page (It needs to makea seperate RealOne window pop up and play the song) I figured how to embed audio but this one I really have no clue. Any code osmeone could maybe past me would be appreciated.<br />
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Thanks,<br />
Dave<!--content-->The best I could tell you to do if you don't want song Download <!--more-->ing is to have a new window with the embed tag on it:<script><br />
<br />
var tags = '<center><embed src="mySong.mp3" height=100 width=100 NOJAVA=true CONTROLS=All center=true CONSOLE=one></embed>'<br />
var height = 245<br />
var width = 245<br />
var newWin ='','real_one','height=200, width=200,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,menubar=no')<br />
newWin.document.write("<html><head><title>RealOne Player</title></head><body>")<br />
newWin.document.write(tags)<br />
newWin.document.write("</body</html>")<br />
newWin.resizeTo(height,width)<br />
var y = (screen.height - height) / 2<br />
var x = (screen.width - width) / 2<br />
newWin.moveTo(x,y)<br />
newWin.focus()<br />
newWin.document.close()<br />
<br />
</script><!--content-->The code you gave me works and i do appreciate that alot, but will this new window pop up as soon as the page is accessed or can i put a link to make it pop up? Just for clarification, I think a really good example of what i am trying to achieve can be found at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) I didnt think this example involved Download <!--more-->ing but more I think aobut it, it very well may. Therefore if there is a method to achieve what i have explained even if it still includes Download <!--more-->ing I would be interested to see how that works out as well. Anyways, Just click to view the video that is found on the main page to the right hand side. I know this obviously is video but i want the same thing just for my audio.<br />
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Thanks again,<br />
Dave<!--content-->place all of the code into a function:<br />
<br />
function openWin() {<br />
// the code here<br />
}<br />
<br />
then when you click the link, or button, use:<br />
<br />
onclick="openWin()"<!--content-->there are links to designate to play in real player, for example, the following clip will load up in real player:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="rtsp://">rtsp:// ... Player_ta_</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
will open up media in real player. I have no clue how to configure one, but is that what your talking about?<!--content-->Well i got the code you gave me working and opening on a link, however I now realize that the effect this code produces isn't what I really wanted to begin with. Sorry :( Yeah so if i can get some direction or even better yet the actual code on how to make a real on player window pop up and play a desired song that would be great. And again I would like to have the new RealOne window pop up from a link. So yeah, I guess i actually do want song Download <!--more-->ing.<br />
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Thanks for all the help I have recieved thus far.<br />
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