Real Item Store


New Member
Hey there,

Im wanting to sell tee-shirts on our forum, could someone suggest and post a suitable hack for this?

Paypal integrating would be best,



New Member
Umm, kind of, not really lol.

Just soemthing where I can add products via ACP, set a price, add a picture, and away we go, people buy em, pay with paypal, i ship em out :D


New Member
Katnip is asking for the same program I was unable to find. It's an integrated vbulletin shopping cart. I did have one in the past like CC cart or something I have been looking for this for ages now. It allowed you to set everything katnip is asking for as well as How many are in stock, how many users purchased the item, & other similar stats. He wants to sell REAL items to his members.