Real Estate webdesign help


Hi everyone.<br />
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As you can probably tell by my user name I am new to the web design scene. I designed a few pages for school and clubs without major problems and I really liked it - so I am here to stay. Here is my problem.<br />
I was recently asked by a family member to design a real estate site for her and I ran into a wall. I need to integrate MLS IDX on her website. I have absolutely no idea how to go about this. I would greatly appreciate someone to explain how MLS or IDX works as it relates to websites. I know that she does have access to it at work and the company that she works for has it on their website.<br />
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Please help. Thank you in advance.<!--content-->Basically you google search it... and find <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> to read up about it and <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> as someone offering the tool...<!--content-->Hey Newbie,<br />
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IDX feed from a Multiple Listing Service really isn't that difficult. Most Multiple Listing Services are members of the National Realtors Association and the NAR has required that all Multiple Listing Services make their listings available to agents and brokers. <br />
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Usually these listings and their images are accessible through an FTP account that will be assigned to each agent / broker. Then you as the agent / brokers web developer can connect to that account and Download <!--more--> the files. Usually there will be a .zipped up file containing listings of each types such as residential, commercial, etc. Along with the listings files there will be zipped up images that go with the listings, usually they are matched by the MLS Number of the listing.<br />
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You can write scripts that will programatically FTP these files down on a daily, also you can programatically unzip them. Then you will need to import the usually Tab Separated Values or Comma Separated Values in a database or directly map to them and display them on your site.<br />
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How you lay out the listings on your site is up to you. Once you have imported them into a database or connected to the file directly you can do just about anything.<br />
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Good luck!<!--content-->