reading XML in ASP.NET


Staff member
Hi I'm redaing an XML file

I have Text filled into a combobox.
I want to fetch a value from an XML file where I read something where the ID equals the cbo value.


Cbo value: Berlin : Axel Springer Verlag

Now I want to find the matching link to this value. the XML file is as following.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<projects id="Germany">
<item id="1" name="Berlin : Axel Springer Verlag" link="projects/Axel_Springer_Verlag"></item>
<item id="2" name="Ratingen : BV Esprit" link="projects/Esprit_Ratingen"></item>
<item id="3" name="Bonn : T-Mobile" link="projects/TMobile"></item>
<item id="4" name="GelsenKirchen : Arena AufSchalke" link="projects/AufSchalke"></item>
<item id="5" name="D黶seldorf : Arag 2000" link="projects/Arag_2000"></item>
<item id="6" name="D黶seldorf : Architektenwerkstatt IOP" link="projects/Architektenwerkstatt"></item>

How can I put the value of the link in a label? and change every time a change the value in the CBO.
