This is probably simple, but I can't seem to get the syntax correct. I want to be able to read the values from each cell in the selected row of a datagrid.<BR><BR>I can identify the selected row using:<BR><BR> Response.write(e.item.itemindex)<BR><BR>and the number of cells in the row using:<BR><BR> Response.write(e.item.cells.count)<BR><BR>but I can't work out a statement for:<BR><BR> Response.write(selected row, cell(2))<BR><BR>Any suggestions ?<BR><BR>Tom THi Tom, I am notsure whether I hit what you are asking for; but below code works fine including the response.write. This, I assume that you are dealing with the dataset not directly with the grid!<BR>good luck, ed <BR><BR>Private Sub PlayedGrid_UpdateCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs ) Handles PlayedGrid.UpdateCommand<BR> 'get Values<BR> Dim ColCount As Integer = e.Item.Cells.Count<BR> Dim I As Integer<BR> Dim TxtBox As TextBox<BR> SqlPlayedAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Key_PlayerID").Value =<BR> SqlPlayedAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Key_TeeBoxID").Value = TeeBoxGrid.SelectedItem.Cells(5).Text<BR> SqlPlayedAdapter.Fill(dsGolfScore, "Played")<BR> ' update DataSet<BR> For I = 2 To ColCount - 1<BR> TxtBox = e.Item.Cells(I).Controls(0)<BR> dsGolfScore.Tables("Played").Rows(e.Item.ItemIndex).Item(I - 2) = TxtBox.Text<BR> 'Response.Write(dsGolfScore.Tables("Played").Rows(e.Item.ItemIndex).Item(I - 2))<BR> Next<BR> ' update SQL DB<BR> SqlPlayedAdapter.Update(dsGolfScore, "Played")<BR> ' de-select row<BR> PlayedGrid.EditItemIndex = -1<BR> 'get new set <BR> SqlPlayedAdapter.Fill(dsGolfScore, "Played")<BR> PlayedGrid.DataBind()<BR> ' update the combined view<BR> SqlViewPlayedAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters("@Key_Player_ID").Value = DropDownPlayer.SelectedItem.Value<BR> SqlViewPlayedAdapter.Fill(dsGolfScore, "View_Played")<BR> ViewGrid.DataBind()<BR> End SubThanks Ed,<BR><BR>I think I'm spending too much time looking at this stuff.<BR><BR>Your routine does, indeed, give me what I'm looking for. I eventually wised up and used a simple <BR><BR>response.write(e.item.cells(i).text)<BR><BR>in a loop to find the cell I wanted.