Reading LiveDeviceID.xml for password


New Member
I'm trying to connect to CRM Dynamics On-line and I can get there if I runt the following command from the console in order to get the user name and the password.\[code\]deviceregistration.exe /operation:show\[/code\]It'll be, obviously, much nicer if I can read the XML containing the information programmatically. However, the contents of the file are horribly encrypted, looking like this.\[code\]<Data version="1"> <User username="1kz9u5e4t4br4nah8sm61coc" type="Logical"> <Pwd> AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/Cl+sBAAAASLr2v6+hUU2goUw2ivLu9AAAAAACAAAAAAA QZgAAAAEAACAAAABvPcbpZtXzDjyRoQAm19c71KA3J6TpyU0rieu4WY/1OgAAAAAOgA AAAAIAACAAAAAT5Aunf6PBWDRp7UPKYrcP33tniAfAHf1MzEjcUAvVKSAAAAArJkRAv Ml+cgNy8fUscH//u41scGezSw+OOvOkpn86r0AAAADLmCwYMLVw+Qo5hPwxnlawMW7s 0fvMJJkM1UiyfBQ49nJOF7v0pa32DtFFluDsjGv4Yddj7j+FtNiYNxmvzc0l </Pwd> </User></Data>\[/code\]How do I get to the real data using C#? Please note that I know how to access the file, read its contents and process the XML structure obtaining the two strings of interest. It's getting from the encrypted version to a plain one that is the problem.