Reading arrows in a document


New Member
I have to generate a graph from the flow diagram drawn in any docx or pdf file. I chose docx file to read. I extracted it to XML files and now I am able to read the data in the textboxes but unable to read that which textbox is getting connected to which one.Because when I am reading about the arrow in the XML files then the only properties which are given are - \[code\]position, margin-left, margin-top, width, height, z-index, visibility, mso-wrap-style, mso-width-percent, mso-height-percent, mso-wrap-distance-left, mso-wrap-distance-top, mso-wrap-distance-right, mso-wrap-distance-bottom, mso-position-horizontal, mso-position-horizontal-relative, mso-position-vertical, mso-position-vertical-relative, mso-width-percent, mso-height-percent, mso-width-relative, mso-height-relative, v-text-anchor\[/code\]I am not able to find out that how can I use all this information to find that which arrow is connecting which two textboxes.And I am trying to find that if somehow I can find this thing while reading the PDF of the same file but I couldn't do that also.Please help me.