Reading an XML file in PHP and store the values in an array


New Member
I m just a beginner in PHP. Just want to make sure what I am doing is correct or am i complicating things or is there is any alternative in ajax I have to read an xml file in php and store it in an array for further evaluationThe XML File is \[code\]> <IntervalReading>> <cost>907</cost>> <timePeriod>> <duration>900</duration>> <start>1330580700</start>> <!-- 3/1/2012 5:45:00 AM -->> </timePeriod>> <value>302</value> </IntervalReading> <IntervalReading>> <cost>907</cost>> <timePeriod>> <duration>900</duration>> <start>1330581600</start>> <!-- 3/1/2012 6:00:00 AM -->> </timePeriod>> <value>302</value> </IntervalReading> <IntervalReading>> <cost>907</cost>> <timePeriod>> <duration>900</duration>> <start>1330582500</start>> <!-- 3/1/2012 6:15:00 AM -->> </timePeriod>> <value>302</value> </IntervalReading>\[/code\]The PHP code for reading this data is\[code\]$doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load( "tmp/".$filename ); $employees = array(); $value =; $cost = array(); $start = array(); $duration = array(); $doc->formatOutput = true; $employees = $doc->getElementsByTagName("IntervalReading" ); foreach( $employees as $employee ) { $names = $employee->getElementsByTagName( "value" ); $val = $value[] = $names->item(0)->nodeValue; $costs = $employee->getElementsByTagName( "cost" ); $cost[] = $costs->item(0)->nodeValue; $startnames = $employee->getElementsByTagName( "start" ); $start[] = $startnames ->item(0)->nodeValue; $durations = $employee->getElementsByTagName( "duration" ); $duration[] = $durations->item(0)->nodeValue; } }\[/code\]Thanks in advance