read xml from dataset


New Member
I posted a question on this topic but no luck, so here goes:I have an asmx web service, with that web service I parse a given XML document using given XSD schema. I parse the XML doc in a way such that first I transform XML to string and then I put it into a DataSet. I'm parsing the data set and with that I pass data to database.I have a little problem, I have this complex node:\[code\]<QuantityInIssueUnit uom="KO">288.000</QuantityInIssueUnit> \[/code\]I have to extract "KO" and "288.000" values, using xsd I wrote this code:\[code\]if (!dr_art_line.Table.Columns.Contains("QuantityInIssueUnit") || dr_art_line["QuantityInIssueUnit"].ToString().Length <= 0){ QuantityInIssueUnit.Value =; QuantityInIssueUnit.uom ="";}else{ QuantityInIssueUnit.Value =["QuantityInIssueUnit"]); QuantityInIssueUnit.Value = > 15 ? Convert.ToDecimal(QuantityInIssueUnit.Value.ToString().Substring(0, 14)) : QuantityInIssueUnit.Value; QuantityInIssueUnit.uom = Convert.ToString(dr_art_line["QuantityInIssueUnit uom"]);}\[/code\]But, it's not working, I assume that there is no node "QuantityInIssueUnit", it's always 0...So is there a way to write this but using DataRow?