Read Write File Property Summary Title, Author, Comments...


My desire is to modify or write to the properties of an image file durring upload to the server and then read thode properties later at the time the image file (*.jpg) is accessed. I could right click the image file on my local machine and select >Properties >Summary >and change the Title, Author, Subject, Comments... to my desired values. However I would like a web form that I can impliment to provide these values when I upload the file from a clients computer.

I could use a database to store this information in, but if I can find a way to read this information It will greatly please me. I have searched a range of places and I haven't yet found anything related to reading and writing of file property information other than size width and height.

Any input or comments are apreciated
I am spicificaly looking to do this with ASP, ASP.Net, VB, ect.... I am willing to explore any solutions you may offer.

Thank You in advance
dansbellLook into the System.IO.File.SetAttributes class.