read only text field that are scrollable


I need a text field with the following requirements:<br />
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1) read only<br />
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2) scrollable from left to right to see more hidden text<br />
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3) some way to indicate that it is read only (like greyed out text)<br />
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4) need to work for both IE 5.x and NN 4.x<br />
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I tried "disable" for IE and "onFocus=name.blur()" for NN.<br />
These work for their respective browser but does not fulfill<br />
the scrolling from left to right requirement.<br />
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Any ideas?<!--content-->scrolling in text fields? I don't think so, any way...why would you want it? if the field is read can mouse or arrow over and see all of the text anyway. In any event there is no "disable" or "readonly" tag for netscape. Also, your going to have a hard time "greying" out the test in Netscape 4.x since the support of online style sheets arent included.<!--content-->Sounds like a DHTML issue to me.<br />
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Check out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Hope it helps.<!--content-->Well in a nutshell - it cant be done - BUT everyone is on the right track.<br />
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Use a 1 (or 2) row textarea and constrain the column to say 15 (11 if NN) and then have the WRAP attribute set to physical (or off). Use the same techniques as above for making readonly.<br />
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TaDa - a scrolling read only input zone with one line of text displayed - the effect originally asked for.<br />
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Now - for something totally awesome :<br />
Why use a input field to display readonly text? Bad design imho. Use a DIV with the appropriate dimensions and clip properties set or the overflow attribute set to auto (ie4,5, ns6). If you go with the clip method be sure to add some kind of user controlled device (a imagemap?) to let the user scroll the content l to r (or vice versa) (there are lotsa of user control scroll thingys out there, bratta, htmlguru, etc)<br />
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