I want to pull from a tumblr blog and display it on another webpage using javascript.I'm using the $TUMBLR_BLOG/api/read/json feed which provides a variable filled with the information from the blog post.I want to print everything up to the \[code\]"<!-- more -->"\[/code\] set of characters in the 'regular-body' section, ie. I don't want to print everything in the 'regular-body' just up to that more section.Any thoughts on how to do that?Eg. API read: http://blog.intercut.yegfilm.ca/api/read/jsonEg. Basic code I'm using:\[code\]<script type="text/javascript" src="http://blog.intercut.yegfilm.ca/api/read/json"></script><script type="text/javascript">// The variable "tumblr_api_read" is now set.document.write('<h3> <a href="' + tumblr_api_read.posts[0]['url'] + '">' + tumblr_api_read.posts[0]['regular-title'] + '</a></h3>' +tumblr_api_read.posts[0]['regular-body']);</script>\[/code\]