Read elements from XML file


New Member
I'm trying to read from an XML file and use that to populate a question object I've created. This is the XML:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><quiz> <problem> <question>Which of the following languages could be used in both Visual Studio and Unity?</question> <answerA>Cobol</answerA> <answerB>C#</answerB> <answerC>C??</answerC> <answerD>French</answerD> <correct>B</correct> </problem> <problem> <question>What does XML stand for?</question> <answerA>eXtremely Muddy Language</answerA> <answerB>Xerxes, the Magnificent Chameleon</answerB> <answerC>eXtensible Markup Language</answerC> <answerD>eXecutes with Multiple Limitations</answerD> <correct>C</correct> </problem></quiz>\[/code\]This is the class I'm using. The problem is in the loadQuestions() method.\[code\]public partial class frmQuestions : Form { private XmlDocument doc; private XmlNode theQuiz; private List<Question> questions; private Random random; public frmQuestions(string docName) { InitializeComponent(); doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(docName); questions = new List<Question>(); loadQuestions(); displayQuestion(); } private void frmQuestions_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void loadQuestions() { string question, a, b, c, d, correct; theQuiz = doc.FirstChild; for(int i = 0; i < theQuiz.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { XmlNode theQuestion = theQuiz.ChildNodes; question = theQuestion["question"].InnerText; a = theQuestion["answerA"].InnerText; b = theQuestion["answerB"].InnerText; c = theQuestion["answerC"].InnerText; d = theQuestion["answerD"].InnerText; correct = theQuestion["correct"].InnerText; questions.Add(new Question(question, a, b, c, d, correct)); } } private void displayQuestion() { Random random = new Random(); int randomNumber = random.Next(1, questions.Count); lblQuestion.Text = questions[randomNumber].getQuestion(); lblA.Text = questions[randomNumber].getA(); lblB.Text = questions[randomNumber].getB(); lblC.Text = questions[randomNumber].getC(); lblD.Text = questions[randomNumber].getD(); } }\[/code\]The problem I'm finding is that theQuiz.ChildNodes.Count = 0.Anyone know where I'm going wrong?