RE: Webform-textbox


New Member
When the width of textbox is determined using width="12" in ASP.Net, it only works on IE, not work on Netscape? Communicator 4.7.<BR><BR>Does anyone know how to determine textbox width for Netscape in ASP.NET<BR><BR><asp:TextBox id="txtName" Width="12" Runat="server"></asp:TextBox><BR><BR><BR>ThanksUse CSS styles instead... That way, you can define the width of textareas, textboxes, dropdowns and everything down to the pixel. Ex. " style='width: 90px;'"...<BR><BR>Don't you think that'd do it?<BR><BR>JannikHi, Jannik:<BR>I had tried CSS styles, but it did not work for netscape........