I have a a table named books containg fields as \[quote\] book_id | title | author | summary\[/quote\]With the code below I query db and display list of book titles and authors. After listing, whenever a title link of a book clicked I want to display the summary of that book without querying the db again... How can I accomplish this without re-querying db and just using the data stored in $books_query_result?\[code\]$books_query="SELECT * FROM books";$books_query_result=mysql_query($books_query) or die("Could not get list".mysql_error());echo "<table><tr>";echo "<td>"; while($list=mysql_fetch_array($books_query_result)){ echo "<A href=http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10546662//"" .$list['book_id'] ."\"> ". $list['title']. "</a>"; echo $list['author']."<br>"; }# Now I want to reset and re-use mysql_fetch_array mysql_data_seek($books_query_result, 0); $summary=mysql_fetch_array($books_query_result); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>";#display summary here echo "<td>"; echo "</tr></table>";\[/code\]