Re: Thank you very much


New Member
"Ivan" <[email protected]> wrote:>>You must use IXMLDoc, try this>>Dim oXML As IXMLDOMElement>Dim oroot As string>>>Set oDom = New DOMDocument>>oDom.Load "path to the xml doc, as c:\xml\document.xml">Set oXML = oDom.documentElement>>>>oroot = oXML.baseName>>"Takis" <[email protected]> wrote:>>>>I am confused about which XML API to use in Visual Basic?>>Shall I use MSXML.IXMLDocument or XMLDocument or DOMDocument Object? How>>can I retrieve the root of the tree structufe of an XML file using DOM?>>>>For example>>>>Dim oXML As MSXML.XMLDocument>>Dim oroot As Object>>Set oXML = New MSXML.XMLDocument>>oXML.url = "the path_of_the_XML_file">>Set oroot = oXML.root>>>>After these commands oroot doesn't contain the root of the XML file. Why>>not? What can I do to retrieve it?>>>>>>Thanks in advance>>Thank you again!>>>>>