Re: sending binary data with XML - update


Staff member
I have found out two things since last:1. When I do the same thing in VB as on the web page, the translation frombinary to hexadecimal goes correctly. In ASP I'm using VBScript, and thissuggests that it has to do with differences between VB and VBScript.2. The data is corrupted before it is sent to the next page.I'm suspecting the problem has to do with lack of strong types in VBScript,but would really appreciate if anyone could point to a solutiion."Joar Vatnaland" <[email protected]> wrote:>>I'm having trouble sending binary data to an object on a web page.>I use an xml element on the page to load binary data from another page.>Then I assign the data to the object.>>On the page that's sending the data, I create an xml document and save it>to the Response object (this is ASP).>>on the node that contains the data, I set the dataType to "bin.hex".>Then I assign the binary data to the node's nodeTypedValue property.>>The naming scheme has been set like this:>oRoot.setAttribute "xmlns:dt", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes">>The data is written as a stream of hexadecimal characters. But when I receive>the data, there seems to be some missing (the length of the data is less>than it should be). I cannot find out where the data gets corrupted and>why. Has anyone any idea what's going on?