"sree" <[email protected]> wrote:>>hi,>>i'm working with weblogic.>but, my servlets are not working.>when i run examples they work fine.>>when i run my servlets from webbrowser i get the following errors>>internal 500 error in the web browser.>>in msdos wwindow iget the following errros>>javax.servlet.servletexception.>servlet class sree.helloworld could not be loaded>the requested class was not found in classpath>at weblogic.servlet.internal.servletstubimpl.prepareservlet(),weblogic.servlet.internal.servl etstubimpl.getservlet(),weblogic.servlet.internal.servletstubimpl..invoke()>You told the example files are working.Because the files arein that directory.You put your files in the same directorythen it will work fine.