Re: Converting EDI (850) to XML and converting XML to EDI - Use


New Member
Actually biztalk will nativly map a number of EDI documents to XML. It doesthis by creating a style sheet and applying the XSLT to either the EDI orthe XML.An example of the transformation may be EDI--> XML--> Flat File --> XML -->EDIThis transformation may take place over a number of different business processes.If you are interested I will try and post the standard EDI docs that Biztalknativly supports, however, they are listed in the help file that accompaniesBizTalk Server 2000.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="Steve">Steve</a><!-- m -->"Madhu" <[email protected]> wrote:>>try>>You have to create ur own mapping though. There are very few EDI-XML mappings>available in the market today.>Madhu>>>>>>>>>"Courtney Brown" <[email protected]> wrote:>>>>I am trying to successfully understand the process of converting an EDI>850>>(Purchase Order) map into a well-formed XML Purchase Order (not sure if>I>>am using the correct wording).>>>>If there is anyone familiar with the process of converting EDI to XML and>>XML to EDI, please respond.>