.RDLC report doesn't show on ASPX page


New Member
I have a simple .RDLC report which does not show on it's ASPX page. My ASPX code is:\[code\]<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="rvReport" runat="server" Height="500px" Width="100%" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" InteractiveDeviceInfos="(Collection)" WaitMessageFont-Names="Verdana" WaitMessageFont-Size="14pt"> <LocalReport ReportPath="reports\rptAttendee.rdlc"> </LocalReport></rsweb:ReportViewer>\[/code\]In the .cs file, I create a dataset from my Entity Framework context and convert it to a ReportData Source as follows: \[code\]rvReport.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear();ReportDataSource dataSource = new ReportDataSource("dsAttendees", attendees);rvReport.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(dataSource);rvReport.LocalReport.Refresh();\[/code\]I have confirmed that the datasource gets created with data and the report view registers the datasource after it is added.On the RDLC file, I created a empty datasource with the same name (dsAttendees) and exact same columns/types. When I run the web application, the ASPX page does not show the report. Inspecting the page, I do see the report viewer control but it's empty; even the non-databound text and the toolbar do not appear.I suspect the issue is that the RDLC file is not picking up the datasource. Is there a step that I am missing?