Ranking Question


New Member
Hey guys...If I get a link from a high pr site, does that increase my rank on google (not pr) more than a link from say a pr0 site Is that a question to ask? Get a link from a pr8 page that has only your link on that page, your pr will be 7 the next day. Get one from a pr0 page, your pr will remain 0. lol.Correction: Google is not updating pr lately. You may have to wait for the raise for more than one day.Daniel wrote:There is not an approved calculation of how many pr0 backlinks equal to a pr8 backlink. And it is a Google secret what is the effect differences of a backlink from a pr8 page that have only 1 outgoing link or when pr8 have 100 outgoing links...But everyone sure about that there is a high effect differences between a pr8 backlink and pr0 backlink (ie. i assume 10.000pr0=1pr8 when they have same outgoing links in count)Sorry, I did'nt see that "not pr" part then. I would say, yes. You will get a better rangking in the serp, provided that your page has the related content and a fair amount of keyword density.dolay wrote:Ummm I found some other lazy ppl out here also Daniel is asking whether his rankings like #1 on the main page or 20th rank on the second page of searches etc... Am I wrong Daniel ? Yes , your rankings also increase when you buy/get a backlink from another high pr'ed website. However let's say your website is full of graphics without text and nothing on the site such as keywords etc will not help you gain higher rankings from searches. If your site is optimized well and keyword placements were done correct then you will get higher rankings for sure depending on how well it's optimized and how the keywords were used. There are some factors for getting higher rankings from Google while someone is linking to you.1 : Content . I highly suggest you getting a high PR link from a related website to yours. Yup non-related site will help also however let me give points : How much a non related site to yours would effect your rankings ? Let's say 2 from 5 .How much a related site to your would effect your rankings ? 4/5 (I'm talking about while being linked.)Btw there is one more thing called anchor text.While you're buying a link from someone else make sure you get your link with an important anchor text.Let's say your website is a template website that sells templates and the keywords you used while optimizing your sites are mostly "website templates" . Now , while you buy a link tell them to write "website templates" in your link text. Example : <a href="http://YourSite.com">Website Templates</a>By using anchor text you'll gain higher rankings from the keywords you specified.I hope it helps.Regards,UmutThe PR alone will not get you higher in the serps, but the page relavency and achor text from the pr8 site.aarrgh wrote:Quote:I noticed that, if your ranking is not that bad (10 -30), if you use google's pay per click system, a few days, (I may be wrong, but it has happened to me twise, it may be no coincidence), they give you a little privilege, I don't understand why, but your ranking jumps up like 8 or 10 places, the good thing is that when you stop paing per clicks, your ranking stays. I used both times maybe the lowest click price, and it worked. As I sayd, I can't asure, you must try it to find out,I would not say pay per click helps. For one of my sites I used this and had no effect whatsoeveryogenmaniyar wrote:yogenmaniyar wrote: