Ranking is different why?


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Hi everyone

I have two sites first for co.in and second is for com.sg, both are same content wise and have same domain name . Both are equally optimized. For some keywords co.in is in first page in google.com but not the com.sg. What are the reasons behind that and what steps i have to take to bring com.sg up in google.........
guys help me with good and effective answers.

thanks Quote: Originally Posted by umi.gold Hi everyone

I have two sites first for co.in and second is for com.sg, both are same content wise and have same domain name . Both are equally optimized. For some keywords co.in is in first page in google.com but not the com.sg. What are the reasons behind that and what steps i have to take to bring com.sg up in google.........
guys help me with good and effective answers.

thanks First where is your location? did you check your SERP locally or international? are you in India when you check your SERP for co.in?
If you check your SERP in co.in on your location and its in India you will definitely get your SERP in the first page if its very well optimized try to check your SERP internationally for the both sites and then you will see what happen.

The reason why this things happen is simply because you are in the same place where you check your SERP locally. That is why when you check your SERP for com.sg and you are in India it was never get in the first page. Sometime geo-location can affect our rankings as we check it. Yes it will, because of difference in data centers. Go and check your site in different datacenter checking tool. Quote: Originally Posted by umi.gold Hi everyone

I have two sites first for co.in and second is for com.sg, both are same content wise and have same domain name . Both are equally optimized. For some keywords co.in is in first page in google.com but not the com.sg. What are the reasons behind that and what steps i have to take to bring com.sg up in google.........
guys help me with good and effective answers.

thanks They are the same content wise?

Google does it's best to NOT show the same content for the same keywords
in their search. No penalties, just not show it.

Try some unique content.

Bompa Quote: Originally Posted by umi.gold Hi everyone

I have two sites first for co.in and second is for com.sg, both are same content wise and have same domain name . Both are equally optimized. For some keywords co.in is in first page in google.com but not the com.sg. What are the reasons behind that and what steps i have to take to bring com.sg up in google.........
guys help me with good and effective answers.

thanks Hi,

You said that both the sites have same content. Did you created the co.in site first? If so than i think that google is treating your co.sg site as a duplicate site. So, it would be better if you can make some changes in the content and keywords of your co.sg site or otherwise you can go for domain parking. For a detailed overview on domain parking you can discuss with your technical heads or executives. yeah .. if you are in india and doing search maybe you won't find .sg ranking duplicate content would be my guess....the first site that got indexed will be the one that ranks. The other will not even be considered by Google Hi,
Try to have unique content on your sites. If you don't wish to change the content, you can tweak a bit here and there to make it look like a unique page. It is always a good practice to have unique content , though Google doesn't penalize for duplication but in a longer run it will help you if you customize your sites according to the countries your sites have been targeted to.