Ranked in top 10 but not for chosen keyword


New Member
My site is about 4 weeks old I was aiming for a keyword with about 4-5K searches a month (according to overture) but I ended up being listed in the top ten for a keyword I did not plan to be my primary one... Any ideas how to make my site appear for my chosen keyword?thanksMake sure the phrase is on the page, and idealy in h tags and the title and get more backlink from related sites and use your keyphrase as the anchor text.Well if you are 4 weeks old then you would drop from the place, but dont worry. Google gives a boost to new websites then just kills it. Once you start building good quality links and obtain them naturally then you will back again in the serps. It just takes some time.... Look up sites with information on how to promote certain keywords. This includes placing it towards the top of your title and description and meta tags, and having it in the first sentence of your body paragraphs.