Randomly load wallpaper via css and html


New Member
I'm a newbie on css and html and even coding. I'm currently making my own start page with a local path, which loads my bookmark on an html file. The background-image control passes through the \[code\]style.css\[/code\] file. I've googled some solutions as to creating a php script to load random pictures over css and html, and I've tried various solutions, however it doesn't seem to work for me. So here we go:the index.html file for passing the background-image:\[code\]<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14048532/style.css" type="text/css" />\[/code\]and the style.css:\[code\]body {background-image: url("Wallpaper01.jpg") ;\[/code\]}I don't know how to change it since I downloaded the code. Also the .jpg file is in the same directory as the html and css.Can someone please help me out to have a random image with this?Please provide the code to do it, place to insert it, or whatever I need to, that will help a lot more than just telling me what to do.Many, many thanks if someone can help me. Thanks!