I'm moving from ASP -> PHP and converting all my sites, but I have no qlue how to convert the code below where I'm getting three random rows from a table. The important is that they never show the same row at the same time.
"SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY rand() limit 1";
...had worked fine.
Randomize Timer
intRnd = (Int(Rnd * recset.RecordCount))
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Sql = "SELECT * FROM table"
rs.Open Sql, conn, 3, , adCmdText
rs.Move intRnd
Response.Write rs("header")
If rs.EOF = True Then rs.MoveFirst
Response.Write rs("header")
If rs.EOF = True Then rs.MoveFirst
Response.Write rs("header")
Set rs = Nothing
This in PHP????
I'm moving from ASP -> PHP and converting all my sites, but I have no qlue how to convert the code below where I'm getting three random rows from a table. The important is that they never show the same row at the same time.
"SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY rand() limit 1";
...had worked fine.
Randomize Timer
intRnd = (Int(Rnd * recset.RecordCount))
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Sql = "SELECT * FROM table"
rs.Open Sql, conn, 3, , adCmdText
rs.Move intRnd
Response.Write rs("header")
If rs.EOF = True Then rs.MoveFirst
Response.Write rs("header")
If rs.EOF = True Then rs.MoveFirst
Response.Write rs("header")
Set rs = Nothing
This in PHP????