Random Cgi


Hi everone,<br /><br />I believe this is the first time I use a CGI script from the "CGI Library". What I use is the random HTML script to choose between several lines of HTML. Setting it up was very simple and actually worked perfectly. All I had to do is add <!--#exec cmd="cgi-bin/randhtml.cgi"--> and rename my page extension to shtml.<br /><br />It works so well that I want to use it again! Except I want my new instance to select between a different set of random HTML lines. Since the lines are not specified in the scripting call, I have no idea how to proceed. So here are my questions:<br /><br />1. Does anyone know how to specify where the script looks for its random HTML lines? (So that I can specify different places for different instances)<br />2. Does anyone know how to do the same thing with PHP? (In case question 1 has no answer)<br />3. Does anyone know the implications of changing my filename to .shtml? (Does that have other effects than letting me run this CGI?)<br /><br />Thanks in advance,<br /><br />- Itai<br />www.neocamera.com<!--content-->
There is no way to specify a different file name according to the documentation provided with cPanel. <br /><br />That said, you could look for a random generator over at hotscripts.com that would allow you to specify different file names to pull from.<!--content-->